Wednesday, December 7, 2011

In Which Kat and Destiny Do All The Fun Things!

Fun Thing #1: So, in Dunedin, there’s this graveyard, and jutting out from the graveyard, which is on a little peninsula, is this little bit of land that would be an island were it not for a little stretch of dirt a few hundred yards long and a meter or so wide. Along this land-bridge is what certain fun-loving adventurers might mistake for a footpath. It’s not actually a footpath; it’s a walk-crawl-scoot-almost-get-knocked-over-by-the-wind-oh-no-I-think-I’m-gonna-die- and-thrown-into-the-bitterly-cold-water-below-is-there-room-in-the-cemetery path. But on the island…well, there’s two trees and a bush that can protect you, at least partially, from the crazy cold wind. But the walk-crawl-scoot out to the island is fun. Well, it was fun for some of us. Some of us (Clare (Constant-Is-The-Lord’s-Love Huxtable)) sat down halfway along the land-bridge, crossed her arms, and refused to go any further. So, maybe not so much fun for her, but still a great deal of fun for our two daring adventurers.

Fun Thing #2: Also in Dunedin, there’s this SECRET TUNNEL that leads down to this cool as beach with big rocks you can climb. Fun.

Fun Thing #3: Arachnocampa Luminosa. No, it’s not a spell you can learn at Hogwarts—it’s a glow worm! And not just a glow worm—hundreds of them, all hanging out in the trees by this stream, like a dark sky full of green stars close enough to reach out and touch.

Fun Thing #4: There is such a thing as an aardwolf. Look it up.

Fun Thing #5: We spent three nights in a crib (more or less a cabin) on Lake Wanaka in Central Otago. We explored Arrowtown and Queenstown and paid exorbitant prices for fish and chips (not a fun thing) and went swimming in a snow-fed lake (which was fun once you lost feeling in your limbs).

Fun Thing #6: “Have you ever found your way through darkness to the crown of the hill, stood in the lap of the statue of Time and shouted Shakespeare to the city of lights below?” Why yes, we have. It was fun. And probably disturbing to the couple enjoying the view.

Fun Thing #7: We visited the Weta Workshop, where they create props for various high-budget films, most notably Lord of the Rings. We got to see their mini museum of replicas and pieces. We also got to hold cool as steam punk handguns. Still not sure why they were there.

This is why Kat and Destiny will never be responsible grown-ups. There are too many fun things.


  1. That picture of you and Golem will haunt me for the rest of my life. Why? Why not the glow worms of awesome?
    But the picture aside, (which is still staring at me like we're in a staring contest and it's dominating), that all sounds amazing. I can't wait to stalk your pictures of all of it.
    I miss you guys!

  2. Oh you guys! Well, ya'll enjoy doing fun things. Ya'll can be the fun aunts that spoil my children. :)

    Love you both!
