Monday, October 31, 2011

In Which Bad Things That Happen to Other Travelers Do Not Happen to Kat and Destiny

As you may know, we have this sort of general optimistic outlook on life. We just assume bad things won’t happen to us. Some of you probably think this is unwise. Bad things must happen sooner or later, you would tell us. You would be wrong. Is this arrogant? Maybe. But is it really arrogance if we have the awesomeness to back it up?

A List of Bad Things That Did Not Happen
1. “We missed our connecting flight out of LA.” Nope. We ended up with a 14-hour layover that gave us plenty of time to go all Miley Cyrus on it. There was indeed a party in the USA. After checking in and dropping our bags, we got a taxi to Hollywood Blvd.

2. “We didn’t have enough cash to cover the taxi.” This one’s partially true. Kat didn’t have enough cash to cover the taxi. However, the place on Hollywood Blvd where we stopped was within fifty feet of at least twelve ATMs.

3. “We didn’t see anything exciting during our bus tour.” It was too dark to see the Hollywood sign, which was unfortunate. However, we passed the high school where they film Glee during the filming of a football game scene. The cast waved at us. We waved back. A connection was made. It was magical.

4. “Children screamed through the entirety of our 21 hours of flight time.” Not a one. Are you seeing a trend yet?

5. “We lost our luggage.” Nope. We walked up to the belt just as it rolled off. In fact, Kat walked straight to Destiny’s bag and Destiny walked straight to Kat’s bag. Go team.

6. “We had to answer lots of scary questions from scary people at customs.” Guess. Just guess what our customs experience was like. Hint: We have yet to meet a scary Kiwi.

7. “We had to wait in long lines at security.” Nope. Maybe ten minutes. Maybe.

8. “We couldn’t find our bus to our hostel.” Are you getting bored yet?

9. “We had nothing to do in Auckland.” We picked out our boats in the harbour. Soup, they’re tied up at the Prince’s Wharf. Please and thank you.

10. “We are homesick and crying our eyes out.” Seriously? Come on. It’s us. (Sorry, Mom and Dad. We love you!)

So next time you’re thinking to yourself, Something bad could happen to Kat and Destiny, just remember: it can’t. Arrogance or awesomeness? You decide.


  1. Glad ya'll made it safely and weren't plagued by the travel woes that befall us normal people. :)

  2. On my international flight, I got to skip to the front of the horrendously long customs line because my godmother was about to puke on everyone. I understand how this awesomeness goes. Don't let the naysayers tell you it can't happen.

  3. How do I subscribe or follow you or whatever so it will let me know when you update it? I can't find it.

  4. Hold on. I want to try something, but I have to post another comment to do it. I know, you love me for blowing up your post with all my comments. :)

  5. Figured it out. Yay! I can follow you now! Love you girls! I need you & your nerf guns. And you're too far away. :( Still love you though!

  6. As Kat's dad pointed out, we forgot to mention that there were maybe 60 people on our flight from Atlanta to LA, which meant every single passenger got a row to themselves. It was brilliant.
